Sunday, May 26, 2013

Pereshivka saloon car with his hands

Before pereshivki car's interior is necessary to determine what material will be used. The most common material is leather, since the interior leather looks elegant, as well as the skin is very comfortable and practical to use. First, you need to choose the most convenient and a good sewing machine. Then you have to find a lot of decorative materials and thread. Threads should not be thick. To carry out trim leather needed thin thread, but for decorative delay needed a little thicker to sew The material quality. The visual effect when using the larger thread, it will be better than with thin. But the truth is it applies to decorative stitching, and the skin better flash carefully and with the help of thin threads. When choosing leather black is best to take the red nylon thread and sheathe their seats, twisting red black. Look like it will be amazing. Next you must select suitable pair of scissors, because the work tedious and thin, so the instrument must be very comfortable. Well-chosen instrument - it is already done half the job. In addition, will need to use multiple needles in order to carry out plating of decorative materials and leather. As decorative materials you can use a variety of drawings and pictures that will be gracing the interior of the vehicle. If before the work was to qualitatively matched materials and tools, then, to alter the entire cabin, you will only spend a few evenings. Pereshivku salon can produce each. Now we proceed directly to a phased operation. First we need to cut 2 strips of rectangular shape the selected material and it is desirable to leave 5 to 10 cm in width and length of the material. Then you have to sew get the size of the back side, while departing five millimeters from the edges. From materials that remain, it will be possible to make space for documents, driver visor against the sun, and pocket for money. To make the visor, it is necessary to cut a simple rectangle the size you want, ask him on both sides, while leaving somewhere five centimeters to bend the material. You must then lead flashing decorative materials for the future of interior leather. Next you need a little strut core material in the middle of the stick gently cut the size of the same diameter and then ask all with 2-sides, it will be half the work done. After this both sides that have already been made, it is necessary prostrochit all around the edges and sew the material that was cut off. This means that the two sides are ready to sew with 2 cut pieces of the same size as a ready-made sides. After this, what happened to try on in the salon car. Seats must be perfectly tight, if it does not work, it is desirable to undo the resulting material and alter it before, but those extra inches cut off. That's it, now you can enjoy pereshivkoy cabin with his hands.

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